Engine Out Cruise
Engine out VNAV cruise guidance is displayed on the engine out cruise page. Engine out data is also available with both engines operating.
The initial page data includes engine out performance limitations. Manual entries are allowed. When above the maximum engine out cruise altitude, VNAV calculates engine out guidance for drift down (D/D). The engine out drift down page changes to the engine out cruise page when reaching the engine out cruise attitude. Subsequent engine out cruise climb or descent is accomplished the same as two engine cruise climb or descent.
As the airplane gross weight decreases, maximum altitude increases. A step climb may be possible under these conditions.
The example is based on a cruise altitude above the maximum engine out altitude.
Page Title -
Displays ACT EO D/D (for this example, airplane is above MAX altitude)
Displays ACT MCP SPD D/D when controlling to speed entered on the MCP during the driftdown
Displays ACT LRC (long range cruise) D/D when LRC selected during driftdown
Displays ACT M.XXX or XXXKT D/D when a selected speed is entered on the speedline
Displays ACT EO LRC when in level cruise flight and the LRC speed is selected
Displays ACT EO CRZ CLB or ACT EO CRZ DES during engine out cruise climbs or descents and the airplane is below the engine out maximum altitude
CRZ ALT - Displays altitude from MAX ALT line when current CRZ ALT above MAX ALT. Manual entry of an altitude above maximum engine out altitude results in the scratchpad message, MAX ALT FLXXX. Valid entries are the same as all engine cruise page.
EO SPD - Displays the target speed or Mach. The default display when the page is first selected is engine out speed (EO SPD). A manually entered speed changes the line title to SEL SPD. Valid entries are the same as all engine cruise page. SEL SPD can be replaced with long range cruise (LRC), company (CO SPD), of engine out (EO SPD) speed using prompts at the bottom of the page. Manual entries may change MAX altitude.
CO SPD - Modifies the page with company speed, engine out data from the Airline Policy page.
OPT - displays the most economical altitude based on airplane gross weight
MAX - displays the maximum cruise altitude based on:
engine out operation
selected speed option
without any altitude or speed constraints, and
capable of a 100 feet per minute climb rate
LRC - enables execution of engine out long range cruise. Displayed when EO or SEL SPD is the active mode.
Standard | 11.42.26 | Long Range Cruise>