Takeoff Reference
The takeoff reference page allows the input of the final performance data required for takeoff. Entries on the takeoff reference page complete the normal FMC preflight. If any required preflight data has been omitted, prompts are displayed to access the page where data is missing.
FLAP/ACCEL HT - Enter a valid takeoff flap setting. Entry of a value after takeoff speeds are entered removes the speeds and displays the scratchpad message TAKEOFF SPEEDS DELETED.
ACCEL HT displays the acceleration height in feet above the origin airport. VNAV commands acceleration at this altitude or at first flap retraction.
Default value is from the AMI. Valid flight crew entries are from 400 to 9999 feet above the origin airport elevation.
THRUST - Initially displays dashes and the thrust reference mode. If an assumed temperature value is entered on the thrust management control panel, the entered temperature is displayed here.
Valid flight crew entries are from 0° to 99°C (32° to 210°F). The entered value is displayed on EICAS.
Entry of a value after takeoff speeds are entered removes the speeds and displays the scratchpad message TAKEOFF SPEEDS DELETED.
INDEX - Displays the INIT/REF INDEX page.
V1 - Dashes are displayed before speeds are entered and when speeds have been deleted.
If performance data is changed after speeds are entered, the speeds are deleted, dashes are displayed, and the scratchpad message TAKEOFF SPEEDS DELETED is displayed.
VR - Dashes are displayed before speeds are entered and when speeds have been deleted.
If performance data is changed after speeds are entered, the speeds are deleted, dashes are displayed, and the scratchpad message TAKEOFF SPEEDS DELETED is displayed.
V2 - Dashes are displayed before speeds are entered and when speeds have been deleted.
If performance data is changed after speeds are entered, the speeds are deleted, dashes are displayed, and the scratchpad message TAKEOFF SPEEDS DELETED is displayed.
CG - Valid entry is CG within the valid range. After the CG is entered, the FMC calculates and displays the stabilizer takeoff trim setting to the left of the CG entry.
POS SHIFT - Displays the departure runway from the active RTE and allows entry of a distance from the runway threshold where the autothrottle will be engaged for takeoff.
The FMC updates its position to the takeoff runway threshold when the THR switch is pushed for takeoff. If a position shift distance is entered, the FMC updates to a position displaced from the threshold by the entered distance.
Valid position shift entries are -30 to +30 in hundreds of meters (3 or 03 is 300 meters beyond the runway threshold). (As installed) Valid position shift entries are -99 to +99 in hundreds of feet (9 or 09 is 900 feet beyond the runway threshold). Entry of a value after takeoff speeds are selected removes the speeds and displays the scratchpad message TAKEOFF SPEEDS DELETED. POS SHIFT update inhibited when GPS is primary FMC navigation source.
PRE-FLT - Displays COMPLETE if all required pre-flight entries have been made. Displays a prompt to access a pre-flight page where further entries are required if pre-flight is not complete.
Standard | 11.40.45 | MENU>