The SELECT DESIRED WPT page is displayed when a waypoint identifier or name is entered and the navigation database contains more than one location for the same waypoint name. Selection of a waypoint returns the display to the previous page.
1 Identifier
Displays a list of the waypoints in the navigation database that have the same identifier as entered.
Up to six waypoints (1 page) can be listed. Waypoints are not sorted, they are listed in the order they are stored in the navigation database.
Up to 48 waypoints (8 pages) can be listed.
Waypoints are sorted as follows:
Select the desired waypoint by pushing either the left or right line select key adjacent to the waypoint. The CDU page where the waypoint identifier was entered is then displayed with the selected waypoint inserted.
2 Frequency
Displays frequency of the waypoint if it is a navaid. Blank if the waypoint is not a navaid.
3 Type
Displays the type of waypoint for each duplicate name.
4 Latitude/Longitude
Displays the latitude/longitude for each duplicate name.
Pegasus | 11.42.16 | Route Offset>