This page shows general data about flight progress.
LAST - Displays the identifier of the last waypoint.
TO - Displays the active waypoint.
NEXT - Displays the waypoint after the TO waypoint.
IRS POS - Displays IRU present position. Line title displays IRU source for position.
XTK ERROR - Displays airplane left or right cross-track error in nautical miles from the active route track.
ALT - Displays airplane altitude when the LAST waypoint was crossed.
TTG - Displays Time To Go to waypoint or destination.
DTG - Displays Distance To Go to waypoint or destination.
Displays IRU groundspeed.
TK - Displays airplane Track angle relative to the true or magnetic reference selected on the HEADING REFERENCE switch.
DTK - Displays Desired Track angle relative to the true or magnetic reference selected on the HEADING REFERENCE switch.
Standard | Pegasus | 11.50.3 | Messages >