As installed Windshear alerts are available during takeoff, approach and landing. GPWS provides a warning when the airplane is in a windshear.
Windshear time critical warnings are accompanied by master WARNING light illumination, WINDSHEAR light illumination and voice aural alerts.
Windshear cautions are accompanied by a voice aural alert.
If illuminated, pushing a master warning/caution reset switch resets the master WARNING lights but does not deactivate the windshear warning.
Windshear alerts are prioritised based on the level of hazard and the required flight crew reaction time.
Predictive windshear alerts are inhibited by an actual windshear warning (airplane in windshear), look-ahead terrain alerts, or Radio Altitude based alerts.
Red WINDSHEAR on both ADIs
Master WARNING lights
Excessive windshear at the current airplane position detected by GPWS.
Enabled below 1,500 feet Radio Altitude.
GPWS Windshear detection begins at rotation.
As installedWeather radar provides alerts for excessive windshear ahead of the airplane. These are “predictive windshear alerts” and are annunciated on the HSI. The weather radar uses radar imaging to detect disturbed air prior to entering a windshear.
Note: The weather radar provides windshear alerts for windshear events containing some level of moisture or particulate matter.
Note: The weather radar detects microbursts and other windshears with similar characteristics. The weather radar does not provide alerting for all types of windshear. The flight crew must continue to rely on traditional windshear avoidance methods.
Note: The automatic function of the GPWS provides “pop-up” displays for predictive windshear and terrain. If neither pilot has weather radar on, and a predictive windshear caution or warning occurs, the weather display and predictive windshear symbol automatically show on the HSI. If neither pilot has terrain display on, and a look-ahead terrain caution or warning occurs, the terrain display will automatically show on the HSI.
RED windshear symbol on HSI
Red WINDSHEAR message on HSI (all modes)
Windshear close to and directly ahead of the airplane detected by the weather radar.
Enabled during takeoff, below 1,200 feet Radio Altitude.
Predictive windshear symbol on the HSI shows windshear position (MAP, centre MAP, VOR, or APP modes only).
Red windshear symbol on HSI
Windshear within 1.5 miles and directly ahead of the airplane detected by the weather radar.
Enabled during approach, below 1,200 feet Radio Altitude.
Amber WINDSHEAR message on HSI (all modes)
Windshear within 3 miles and ahead of the airplane detected by the weather radar.
Enabled during takeoff and approach, below 1,200 feet Radio Altitude.
When terrain display active, weather radar display replaces terrain display.
The weather radar automatically begins scanning for windshear when:
Alerts are available approximately 12 seconds after the weather radar begins scanning for windshear. Predictive windshear alerts can be enabled prior to takeoff by pushing the EFIS control panel WXR switch.
If windshear is not detected, weather radar returns show only after pushing the EFIS control panel WXR switch.
During takeoff and landing, new predictive windshear caution alerts are inhibited between 80 knots and 400 feet Radio Altitude, and new warning alerts between 100 knots and 50 feet Radio Altitude. These inhibits do not remove existing predictive windshear alerts.
Predictive windshear alerts are also inhibited by an actual windshear warning, look-ahead terrain alerts or Radio Altitude based alerts.